M.Sc. Program:
Our Master of Science (M.Sc.) program provides the research-oriented training and education necessary for students entering the doctoral programs in chemistry or for training professional chemists qualified to function in technical and industrial positions.
Our department offers two programs for achieving the M.Sc. degree. The first is a non-thesis program suitable for those who may already have extensive research experience, for educators who seek to upgrade their academic skills but do not require research experience, or for those who need to broaden their chemical background. The second is a traditional apprenticeship in research leading to a written thesis. The students admitted to the thesis program have to be accepted into an individual lab. Starting with a common core, both the non-thesis and thesis options may be developed into a final degree program in any of the six broad areas in chemistry: 1) Applied Chemistry, 2) Analytical Chemistry, 3) Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry, 4) Physical Chemistry, 5) Nanochemistry, and 6) Organic Chemistry. The students and their supervisors must work together to develop a research plan. A thesis embodying the results of original research shall be submitted to and be approved by the department of chemistry and the IUT Graduate Studies. A written thesis together with an oral presentation is required for the final approval.
Graduate students must take a total of 30 graduate credit hours to qualify for the M.Sc. degree.
You can download M.Sc. curriculum from here.
PhD Program:
Our chemistry PhD program at department of chemistry is designed to develop outstanding scholars for careers in research and teaching at leading universities throughout IRAN and other countries. Our PhD program emphasizes empirical and theoretical approaches to chemical research. Our PhD students are required to integrate basic skills in chemistry with focal studies in an emphasized area.
Our PhD students, according to their area of study (Organic, Inorganic, Analytical, and Physical Chemistry), must take 15 graduate credit hours and one seminar (1 credit). They are also required to pass a Standard English Test such as IELTS and TOEFL (or equivalent). After finishing their coursework, the students must pass the comprehensive exam consisting of written and oral components. They will then submit a written dissertation proposal to the director of graduate studies in chemistry and will work on the subject under the supervision of a faculty member (20 credits). To evaluate the student’s progress in its research project, two oral presentations of the results of the research, at intervals of six months, are required. This will be judged by a committee of professors and specialists in the field.
Our graduate students also benefit from two advanced central labs.
You can download PhD curriculum from here.

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